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Sports Injuries

 Sports Injuries
Unfortunately whether you're a seasoned professional, an amateur or occasional participant, sports injuries are common. According to Heron (2015) sports related injuries contribute to the 20% of musculoskeletal related injuries seen within GP practices.

Different sports require a different skill set. While some require a series of dynamic and explosive movements, others require finesse and controlled movements. As a result, injuries can vary from sprains and strains, through to tendinopathies and in some sports, bony and nerve injuries.

Careful examination can highlight structures that may be responsible for your symptoms, however some sports require a complex sequence of combined movements and it may be during these that you experience your pain. Being able to understand and break down these complex movements to identify at what point your symptoms are produced is key, and being an athlete that has competed at a high level allows me to do this.

Rehabilitation is a key component to enable you to return to sport. It is important that the journey is progressive, incorporating flexibility, strength, sensory motor control, endurance and motor relearning. Failure to adequately rehabilitate can increase your risk of rein jury significantly. For example, Creighton et al (2010) highlighted that previous injury is associated with up to a 4-fold increase in the risk of reinjury. Richie and Izadi (2015) reports that of those people who suffer an acute ankle sprain, between 19%-72% will suffer the same injury in the future, with 70% of people developing reoccurring ankle sprains known as chronic ankle instability.

Being a competitive badminton player who has reached top 40 in the national rankings, I have had my fair share of injuries. I have used my knowledge to not only accelerate my rehabilitation to get back to playing sport quicker but also ensured that I employed the correct measures to stop it from happening again. And I can do the same for you too.
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