Patella tendinopathy is a source of pain at the front of the knee, below the knee cap and is aggravated by increased repetitive loading of the quadriceps muscle. This condition is typically seen in relatively young athletes who participate in jumping sports such as athletics, volleyball, tennis and football where there is repetitive loading of this tendon.
There are two defining clinical features of patella tendinopathy:
1. Pain localised to the inferior pole (underneath) the kneecap
2. Pain on loading of the knee during activities such as jumping / changing direction etc.
3. There may also be pain with prolonged sitting, squatting and stairs but is rarely experienced at rest.
A thorough knee examination provide some indication of the location of pain, with possible symptoms at end of range knee flexion when the tendon is stretched the most. There will also be tenderness on palpation of the patella tendon with some possible swelling evident.
During functional assessment there may be some deficit jumping and hopping activities with provocation of pain and people may demonstrate a stiff-knee vertical jump-land in order avoid loading the tendon.
A thorough examination of the entirely lower limb is required to identify any reduction in strength or range of movement that has been associated with patella tendinopathy.
How can Physiotherapy help?
A tendinopathy usually occurs when there is a sudden and rapid increase in load which is in excess of the tendons current capacity.
Education and advice
Modifying current training protocols
Symptoms management in the early stages
Lower limb kinetic chain assessment
Manual therapy / massage
Graded strength programme – Isometric to eccentric to concentric
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